Wednesday, February 13, 2013

8:30pm, more showers seen over S.Tamilnadu, due to Easterlies and a circulation south of SriLanka ..

Along with W.D & circulation over S.Rajasthan rain expected for N,central Madhyapradesh, Delhi,most of U.P in next 3 days!

Ahead of the w.d, a low level circulation has formed over S.Rajasthan, expected to move N-N-E to Delhi .

Showers expected for #Chennai on 15,16,17-Feb!

From tomorrow till Sunday, scattered rain expected over most of Tamilnadu, S,S-central Karnataka and S.Andhra.

Showers expected over S.Tamilnadu during next 2 days. Already showers witnessed now in that zone .!

A moderate W.D has started affecting Kashmir and more rain will push into N,N-W,N-central  India during next 48hrs..

Tirunelveli - sharp showers seen around town now 1:30pm..